Jayawardhana Christmas Letter 2024

Dear Friends & Family,

2024 has been a year of ‘walking by faith and not by sight’ as well as a year of rest, recovery, and recuperation for both PJ and Gwenda. We started the year not knowing where God was leading us and it has been one of learning to trust God daily for His provision, resting in Him and knowing that God’s plans are perfect and He will continue to show us the way according to His perfect timing.

After having the opportunity to visit several churches in the beginning of the year, PJ and Gwenda were led by God to settle at Stafford Heights Baptist Church. We have both been so warmly welcomed and supported by the congregation and pastoral team at SHBC, especially Ps Stephen Hendrick and his wife Kathryn. During the year, we both joined the Welcome Team and Gwenda also joined the Worship Team and led a worship service.

Holiday wise, a highlight for both PJ and Gwenda this year was a road trip down to the Blue Mountains in April to see the feast of autumn colours. The trees and scenery certainly did not disappoint! We also snuck in a trip to Coffs Harbour and Golden Beach later in the year.

PJ (Giga)
commenced the year with a visit from all his brothers. It was an excellent opportunity to catchup with what was happening in each other’s lives. Early on in the year, PJ secured a temp contract working for the Electoral Commission Queensland processing postal votes before the March 2024 Qld Local Election. They say that once you’re ‘in the system’ for election work it can become a perpetual cycle of work contracts and this certainly proved true for PJ this year. After his initial contract ended, he had a few weeks off and then commenced the next project with ECQ, and then the next, and finished the year doing a similar contract to his first one in relation to the processing of postal votes but this time for the October 2024 Qld State General Election.

Just when we thought all his ECQ contracts for the year had come to an end, PJ was invited back by the warehouse manager to help with the unpacking and sorting of equipment that needed to be done post-election from the 350+ polling booths. PJ was specifically sought out by the warehouse manager due to his ‘great work ethic’. We are again so thankful to God for His unexpected financial provision so close to Christmas. PJ also continued in his role as Chairperson for Compass – finances God’s way Australia this year. 

Healthwise, PJ has gone from strength to strength. A particular highlight for PJ this year was seeing his brother, Maithri, fulfil a lifelong dream of going to the UK with his brother Robie to visit relatives and to visit Wimbledon – the home of the Wombles!

Gwenda commenced the year preaching in a different church nearly every week and throughout the year preached ten sermons in eight different churches. She continued to seek God’s will regarding future ministry and applied for several roles throughout the year. Gwenda turned one down in January due to not having God’s peace about taking on the role and missed out on several others but was greatly encouraged to know she was in the top two or three candidates for these roles. God has continued to clarify and confirm that her future still lies in vocational pastoral ministry.

Gwenda also applied for a number of admin positions throughout the year. In mid-July, she was offered a four-month full-time temp admin contract with ECQ as an Elections Officer. She was thrown in the deep end from day one helping to secure leases for the early voting centres to be used in the October 2024 State General election. However, Gwenda’s work ethic was also noted, and she was offered a promotion to another role triaging field support queries and supporting the Contact Officer team employed to support the Returning Officers throughout the busy election period. 

Both PJ and Gwenda were working in the same office at Waterfront Place, Level 20, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane City for a period of time which enabled them both to view and experience Riverfire from a high-rise building in Brisbane City. This was a bucket list item for Gwenda which was finally fulfilled!

Towards the end of Gwenda’s temp contract, she was offered a two-day a week supply chaplaincy role working for UnitingCare’s BlueCare at Pine Woods, Lawnton and Pilgrim, Kallangur aged care homes. This contract will see her through till end February 2025. 

Healthwise, Gwenda started the year with an iron infusion and continued to maintain a high dose of iron supplementation which has made a marked difference to her energy levels. Gwenda also had a six-month follow-up colonoscopy in March due to a 4cm polyp being found in September last year which developed due to stress. She was thankful to be given the ‘all-clear’ at this follow-up. The plantar fasciitis in her right foot also markedly improved towards the end of the year after she attended a new podiatrist who accurately diagnosed the root cause of this condition.

Gwenda joined the Queensland Baptists Baplink Management Council (BMC) as a Board Member this year. She also continued her role as a Board Member for Compass – finances God’s way Australia Ltd. Her Professional Pastoral Supervision business, R&R Ministries Ltd, also continued to grow – https://jayatarras.com/supervision/

The biggest highlight of 2024 for Gwenda was turning 50! She celebrated this milestone by having a Purple Picnic in New Farm Park and a Pottery Painting class at The Craft Haven in Clontarf (now Kallangur) with some of her various friend groups.

Taruna continued his work as an accountant this year for the French accounting firm, now called Forvis Mazars. He also finished his studies and is now a CPA (Certified Practising Accountant). Taruna prefers to travel to and from work via public transport and has appreciated the 50 cent fares now becoming permanent. 

Taruna also celebrated his 25th birthday this year. As part of his birthday year, he again travelled to Japan, this time with his friend Liam, as he really loves the vibe and atmosphere of this country. 

Taruna went back to playing badminton with his brother, Prashan, towards the end of the year. It’s great to see how much they enjoy hanging out with each other as brothers and doing social activities together including their beloved computer games.

Rasika had a fabulous year at Services Australia being promoted from Graduate Program Coordinator halfway through the year to Entry Level Program Manager for new employees. She again flew down to Canberra at various times throughout the year and more recently went down to be part of the Graduation Ceremony for the Graduate Program participants. 

Nic continued in his role as Youth Coordinator for NEB Church’s Youth program, ably supported by Rasika, which turned into a one-day a week paid role. Nic also had the opportunity to mentor a young man through the QB Project 11 Leadership Program this year and preach a few sermons at NEB Church plus help out with the many other ministry roles Ras & Nic do voluntarily. 

He also continued his work at AECOM Engineering moving from being a Graduate Transport Engineer to a Professional Civil Engineer in the Transport Advisory team. As a modeler, planner and engineer, he is committed to delivering visionary transport projects with a key focus on innovation and collaboration. He also continued his membership of the AITPM QLD Young Professionals Committee.

Nic & Ras were once again Camp Directors for the SU Australia’s SplashOut City 2024 camp in Peregian Beach, Qld for students in grades 7-12. This involves recruiting a volunteer leadership team, organising activities, booking venues & catering, as well as caring for the leadership team so that they can then care for the kids. This year was even bigger than last year’s and again they did an exceptional job!

A team of young adults, including Nic & Ras, are commencing a new ministry initiative called Arise 2025. The vision for ARISE is rooted in the current need for young adults to connect to others who already place, or want to explore placing, God first in their lives. ARISE will aim to support this growth by building a united community of believers formed through intentional fellowship around good food, fun activities and God’s creation. If you know of any young adults who’d like to go along to its launch on 25 – 27 January 2025 at Maleny please share this link with them: https://www.facebook.com/events/917105666637716/ 

Prashan had a disrupted start to the year. Things didn’t quite come together as planned for his time in Perth, and it was difficult for him to secure work over there, so he moved back to Brisbane a few months into the new year. Prashan soon secured an IT Support role working for Emergency Services, specifically the Qld Police Service, and later moved over to the Qld Fire Department when Emergency Services split back into separate organizations. Prashan commenced attending Ras & Nic’s Tuesday night connect group on a regular basis and also enjoyed getting back into playing Badminton on a Wednesday night when he could.

Prashan also got heavily involved in the gym and set a goal to gain muscle mass. One of his friends and gym buddies, James, is a personal trainer and helped Prashan to remain diligent and disciplined in attending the gym on a regular basis with both their efforts paying off! 


Whilst we don’t yet know what 2025 will hold for us as a family, and as a couple, we firmly believe that good things are coming and that God will continue to fulfil His promises to each one of us, for no word from God will ever fail (cf. Luke 1:37, 45).

May you know the joy, peace, and hope that God offers each one of us this Christmas, and every day of the year, through His Son Jesus Christ. 

Love & God Bless from PJ (Giga) & Gwenda, Taruna, Rasika & Nicholas, and Prashan