Acclique® Order Form

For only $377 incl. GST Acclique® will help you to lift the burden of accounting and admin worries. This includes FREE upgrades and support for the first year.

Please use this order form if you are paying on-line by credit card. If you prefer to pay by cheque, money order, direct deposit or sending your credit card details by mail or fax, please use our other order form.

Please choose the product that you are ordering.
Note that prices are in Australian dollars.
Please enter the product/service (and the amount) you are paying for.

In case we need to contact you.

Please note that you will only provide your credit card details here. One of our team members will contact you to finalize the payment.

Please use the following bank account details for your payment.

BSB : 084-004
A/C No : 486 962 735

ACCLIQUE® is subject to a full money back guarantee. ACCLIQUE® can be run ten(10) times prior to registering the product with Jayatarras Pty Ltd. If during this trial period you deem ACCLIQUE® to be unsuitable for your needs, please contact us for a full money back refund.